Collection: Carrier Air Purifier Cartridges

Get the Right Size Carrier MERV 15 Infinity Air Purifier Cartridge

Carrier GAPAA GAPCCC GAPBB GAPAB Infinity Air Purifiers MERV 15 furnace filters are award-winning filters that work silently in-line with your HVAC system to make the air you breathe healthier. Using Captures and Kills™ technology to trap up to 95% of pathogens down to .30 micron in size, then sending an electrical charge to kill or inactive them. With every cycle of air that passes through this patented air purifying system—up to 8 per hour, pollen, animal dander, smoke, bacteria, and other pollutants are trapped and held tightly to the filter. An electrical charge then bursts the cell walls of pathogens it Contacts. Independent testing has proven the Infinity air purifier's effectiveness against 13 pathogens plus a common household fungus.

Find Your Air Filter Size on The Carrier Air Purifier Label

The Label will have the Model Number as seen in the photo of the GAPCCCAR1625. The 1625 in the Model number represents the Furnace Filters Nominal Size. The Nominal size is a rounded number used to label filters and varies by manufactures. The actual size are the actual measured dimensions of the filter. Looking for a specific Carrier Furnace Filter find it in the Carrier Collection

Carrier Performance Series MERV 13 Germicidal Air Purifier

Genuine Carrier PGAPXCAR OEM replacement media cartridge PGAPXCAR for the Carrier Performance Series Germicidal Air Purifier PGAPAXX cabinet.

  • Authentic Carrier Furnace Filter Easy to replace media cartridge
  • High filtration efficiency: MERV 13
  • Filter life varies from home to home and is based on several factors. Most homeowners find that the filter lasts for 8 to 12 months.
  • Captures and kills airborne viruses, bacteria and mold spores
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