LG LT700P ADQ36006101 Refrigerator Water Filter Harvey IRMA Recovery Discount $49.95 Free Shipping
IRMA/Harvey Special LG LT700P ADQ36006101 Refrigerator Water Filter $49.95 with Coupon Free Shipping
Texas and Florida suffer two powerful category 4 hurricanes and although Summer is winding down, it is still hot and humid in the South and many places in the country. Tropical moisturer whipped up by the hurricanes makes a devastating disaster even less tolerable.
Water is critical in this heat, so Atomic if offering a special discount code on the LG LT700pc. Use the Code ATOMICRELIEF for an addition 10% discount on the LG LT700 through October 15th.
Use the Code ATOMICRELIEF for an addition 10% discount on the LG LT700 though October 15th.
Choose From Authentic OEM Lg LT700PC 1 pack , 2 pack, or 3 pack
Choose your water filter pack and enter the ATOMICRELIEF code at check out.
How You Can Help People Affected By Harvey
The city of Huston setup a relief fund at the Greater Houston Community Foundation. You can make direct donations on their fundraising page.
You can donate to the American Red Cross and choose the disaster relief effort you want to fund. You can also find information how to make other donations and give blood.
NPR has listed best places to Donate for categories including general relief, food shelter and medical.
How to help with IRMA Recovery
In addition to the American Red Cross and United Way, Volunteer Florida is a state-based group is accepting volunteers and donations. Many resources are becoming available to find out more check out FEMA's website.