
Atomic Filters carries a wide selection of top name brands. If you do not see the Brand or items you are looking for, use our search function to find your item by part number or size. Send us a note on our contact page if you are having trouble locating you filter and we will help you find the air filter, water filter or part accessory you need. Well known Brands including Honeywell, Carrier, Lennox, Samsung, and Whirlpool are available as well as compatible replacement Furnace filters and Water filters. Finding the right filter or size part is easy using our search function to help you find your filter or a compatible replacement air or water filter.
Find Your Filter Easily
Enter The Filter Part Number or Size from Your Current Filter in the Search, for example, enter LT700 or LG Water Filter. For an air filter, as an example, you could enter Lennox 16x25x5 or X6675. You can also search the brand links listed on this page to look at Brands and compatible replacement filters. Remember air filters are sold by Nominal Size which is a rounded size and filters with the same Nominal size may not be compatible. It is important to look at compatibility when choosing a replacement. To find out more about finding the right filter check out this article on filter sizing.