3 Reason You Need to Replace Your Air Filter to Protect the Air Your Family Breathes - Atomic Filters

3 Reason You Need to Replace Your Air Filter to Protect the Air Your Family Breathes

How Did You Pick the Air Filter in Your Family Home?

 Home Air Filters: What You Need to Know Simplified

 If you do not know the answer to this question it may be because you did not choose the air filter in your home or you based your choice on someone's recommendation. I am going give you a simple way to pick the right air filter for your home because choosing  the best air conditioner filter for your home, especially if you suffer from allergies, can sometime be a confusing task. The simple reason is that most people are not experts on their  heating and air conditioning systems and generally rely on the recommendation of the company that services their HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) equipment.

most people are not experts on their  heating and air conditioning systems and generally rely on the recommendation of the company that services their HVAC

Reason ONE to Change Your Air Filter: The Air in Your Home can be 2 to 5 Times more Polluted than the Air Outside.

What contaminants are in the air in my home

What Type of Air Filter do I have In My Home?

   To add to the confusion there are many types of air filters. This is why the MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value)  rating system was designed to help tell how well an air filter removes particles from the air. What is MERV rating of the filter in your home? You may not even know because, more often than not, the company that services your HVAC system replaces the air filters during the service call. Each air return has a  grill that open so that you can replace your air filter. Depending on the size of your home you may have one air return to several. When replacing filters I see a lot of contractors use a cheap flat panel air filters with no MERV rating or a very low MERV rating.  I have asked contractor many times when they put that filter in over  the years and the answer is always the same. "This is the kind of air filter and I use is myself, those expensive air filters are a waste of money". Most people do not know much about how their HVAC system works so they just rely on what their contractor says. Basically all these cheap air filters do is  protect your HVAC equipment from large dust and lint. Essentially the cheap air filters with no MERV ratings can be so porous that particles that can damage your HVAC equipment, can pass right through the filter. Good air filters can protect the air quality in your home and do not have to be expensive. 

Reason TWO: You Did Not Choose the Right Air filter Either Because You Did Not Know or Left the Choice of Filter to Your HVAC Contractor

What Kind Of Air Filter Do I Need to Protect the Air in My Home?

MERV 13 20x20x1 air filter for allergies

The EPA says indoor air quality(IAQ) can be 200% to 500% more polluted than the air outside. In  Order to protect the air in your home, the EPA says air filter rating of MERV 7 to 13 is needed. Air filter rating of 1 to 6 are basically to protect the HVAC equipment. 

The EPA says indoor air quality(IAQ) can be 200% to 500% more polluted than the air outside.

In  Order to protect the air in your home, the EPA says air filter rating of MERV 7 to 13 is needed

Air filter rating of 1 to 6 are basically to protect the HVAC equipment. 


Air Filter MERV Ratings Simplified

Air Filter MERV simplified

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Reason THREE: It is Easier than Ever To Protect the Air Quality In Your Home With Many Affordable Options That will Deliver Right to Your Door

Good Air Filter

A good pleated 20x20x1 MERV 8 filter is going to allow a good air flow for your HVAC equipment and help protect  the air quality in your home. It will filter out  a high percentage of pet dander, pollen, mold and bacteria.

20x20x1 MERV 8 Filter

Better Air Filter

A  pleated MERV 11 20x20x1 air filter is going achieve superior performance using  electrostatic properties to filter out both a greater quantity and smaller particles from the air  your family is breathing is your home.

Buy It Now on Amazon 

Best Air Filter

MERV 13 20x20x1 air filters also use electrostatic properties to achieve the maximum protection for the air in your home and filters out the greatest percent of particles including allergens, and the smallest particles. Because many very fine allergens like pollen and pet dander can set off allergies this filter is the best choice for  the allergy suffer, It is also the best choice for removing other pollutant from the air that can effect the health of all family members. Check out these simple steps you can use to help protect your family's air quality and detoxify your home.

Theses are Some of the Most Popular Size Air Filters

16x20x1 Air Filters

16x25x1 Air Filters

20x20x1 Air Filters

20x25x1 Air Filters



Find Yours: Need Another Size Filter? Find it by Size

20x20x1 MERV 13 FAir Filter best choice for Allergy Suffers



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