Trane BAYFTFREXM2 VS BAYFTAHEXM2 Find the Right Furnace Filter Avoiding this Common Mistake - Atomic Filters

Trane BAYFTFREXM2 VS BAYFTAHEXM2 Find the Right Furnace Filter Avoiding this Common Mistake

BAYFTFREXM2 VS BAYFTAHEXM2 Why is it So Common to Order the Wrong Filter Media 

Trane Perfect Fit Filter 5 Inch Media models BAYFTFREXM2 and BAYFTAHEXM2 use the same filters sleeve in packaging but are different furnace filters. Many customer look only at the sleeve to place an order for the replacement media and inadvertently order the incorrect filter. When the customer receive the filters they open the sealed manufacturer packaging and only realize they have the wrong filter after they have already opened the package which makes the item unreturnable to most stores.

Simple Way To Avoid This Costly Mistake 

The actual Model Number is on the Furnace Filter. If you look at the actual filter the model number is on the filter. If you do not have access to the filter and are looking actual Trane box the filters came in you can measure the box or check for the Trane model number on the box. 

FLR07962 is the BAYFTAHEXM2. The Frame on BAYFTAHEXM2 is about 20 inches long.

FLR07963 is the ‎BAYFTFREXM2. The Frame is just over 25 inches long.

‎BAYFTFREXM2 vs BAYFTAHEXM2 by Atomic Filters

Watch the Video on the BAYFTAHEXM2 VS ‎BAYFTFREXM2 to make sure you purchase the correct Furnace Filter

Video on Buying Trane Perfect Fit Filter 5 Inch Media models BAYFTFREXM2 and BAYFTAHEXM2 

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